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Sapphire EDGE-HD Mini PC Review – the smallest PC in the world

Left 4 Dead 2 is a cooperative first-person shooter game. It is the sequel to Valve Corporation’s award-winning Left 4 Dead.

Like the original, Left 4 Dead 2 is set during the aftermath of an apocalyptic pandemic, and focuses on four survivors fighting against hordes of the infected. The survivors must fight their way through levels, interspersed with safe houses that act as checkpoints, with the goal of reaching a rescue vehicle at the campaign’s finale. The gameplay is procedurally altered by an artificial intelligence engine dubbed the “Director” that monitors the players’ performance and adjust the scenario to provide a dynamic challenge. Several new features have been introduced: new types of infected, melee weapons, and a story-arc that connects the game’s five campaigns together.

We are tesing at 720p with settings on high/medium.

A pretty good set of results for onboard graphics and a low powered Atom processor. Less demanding games are playable if you lower the settings and keep the resolution sensible.

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  1. I cant get over the size of that, its staggeringly small.

  2. Beautiful bit of kit, reasonable pricing too. silent and low power, we all should be working toward that, not 40GB processing power.

    My electric bill this quarter was insane. 🙁 I need to go green.

  3. They should have made it with Fusion E350, its much better !maybe a revision 2 ?

  4. They really should have made the stand thinner to match the low profile shape. its by far the biggest part of the design. It looks to me (although I might be wrong) that they could have made it much thinner but kept it stable and balanced.

  5. Nice product, but ive already got an atom netbook and it drives me friggin crazy. they are such a crap CPU.

  6. This is certainly a showcase of engineering capability. its hard to get good cooling in such a case design. I love it, even though its an Atom. E350 would make much more sense for Sapphire, but obviously they were tied into the atom platform for this build.

  7. Ideal for a home server/media center. looks great.

  8. I like the fact they opted for a decent sized hard drive in it.

  9. Shocked to see Sapphire working with Intel and nvidia components in this. just checked that hell hasnt frozen over.

  10. is it silent enough to have it in the sleeping room or does only the shuttle xs fanless design work there?

  11. I think its quiet enough to have in a bedroom yes. I couldnt even hear it from 5 feet away. Id hate to say its completely silent because if you had this unit close to your head and under load during the evening then perhaps you would hear the fan.

  12. I’m sorry, does everyone seem to forget the Raspberry Pi these days?