Total War ROME 2 is the eighth stand alone game in the Total War series, it is the successor to the successful Rome: Total War title. The Warscape Engine powers the visuals of the game and the new unit cameras will allow players to focus on individual soldiers on the battlefield, which in itself may contain thousands of combatants at a time. Creative Assembly has stated that they wish to bring out the more human side of war this way, with soldiers reacting with horror as their comrades get killed around them and officers inspiring their men with heroic speeches before siege towers hit the walls of the enemy city. This will be realised using facial animations for individual units, adding a feel of horror and realism to the battles.
We selected 1280×720 resolution with the ‘ultra’ preset, shown above.
Performance is good, although the frame rate did drop a couple of times close to ‘borderline' frame rates. If you like a frame rate above 30 at all times, then a reduction in the image quality settings would be needed.
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Its a good build for £500, don’t think i could even build a system with that hardware for the price. dont see how they are making money on this at all.
Not so sure on that case, but its attractive enough. I agree, Prodigy or Dead Silence is a nicer design to work with over the years. Still thats an impressive build, I am not keen on AMD APU for gaming, although obviously without the GTX750Ti in the build, the AMD APU would be better than the i3. Like this system a lot.
Thats a really good build. Would like a slightly bigger SSD, but it would obviously increase the price a little.
vs450w is low quality compare to my vx450w