Home / Tech News / Featured Announcement / Briony BUILDS a GAMING PC. LIVESTREAM UNCUT w/ BLOOPERS!


KitGuru has produced many ‘guide' videos and articles over the years, but today we present something different. If you are interested in building your first system but are too apprehensive about things that could go wrong then you can be assured you are not alone!

KitGuru reviewer Briony joined us last year and has been reviewing many peripherals, systems and hardware for KitGuru since she joined the team – but she admits she has only built a handful of systems from the ground up.

She wanted to do a livestream of her building the system, mistakes and bloopers – UNEDITED.

Her home internet connection didn't prove stable enough, so we recorded it live and uploaded the video to our YouTube channel. It's a long video but it should give faith to other newbies and inexperienced users because building a well performing system is not as tricky as you might think. We only sped up a few of the really dull parts.

We spoke with Corsair, ASUS, Intel and Philips and they immediately jumped on board – sending over some fantastic colour schemed components for Briony's build. We want to thank them for their support.

Be sure to check out the links below if you want to buy any of the components to build your own white themed system!

00:05 What this is all about!?
00:40 Introduction/Start
01:33 Corsair 570x unboxing
03:19 Corsair 570x ‘Peel Porn’
03:53 Briony talks about Corsair 570x
05:03 Corsair 570x hands on
07:14 Briony Discusses building systems
07:48 Corsair LL120’s and Corsair Commander Pro
08:16 Corsair RGB Lighting Strips
08:46 Corsair Commander Pro overview
09:35 I mostly know what im doing, mostly!
09:43 Corsair LL120 RGB
10:20 Clutter removal
11:11 Taking parts of the case off
11:56 The top I/O Panel and other parts
12.23 Worried about marking the paint
12:45 What is this tape they used! Success!
13:48 Yay! It came off
14:01 Cutting Cable Ties
14:13 Better scissors!
14:58 Old Fan controller is off
15:50 taking the old fans off
17:17 Goodbye old fans, hello new
18:03 The hunt for lost screws!
18:55 Fitting new fans – the direction and position
21:28 Fitting fans in the top/ removing tempered glass
23:00 Dreading the cable management later
23:26 I just did what I told you NOT to do !
23:36 Its all going wrong! Foam falls off microphone!
24:03 Thinking ahead – fan cables
24:50 Screws not going in easy now
25:28 Briony getting hot and sweaty!
26:00 Briony takes a break and turns the heating off
26:11 Fitting the Corsair H150i Pro RGB to the plate
26:41 CableMod White AIO Sleeving Kit
27:39 RGB or nothing baby!
28:04 Unboxing the Corsair H150i Pro RGB
28:55 OMG! There’s too many mounting screws!
29:15 This is the main event boys and girls
31:33 Corsair need to bring out a white AIO cooler!
33:20 Trimming the sleeves – bits of sleeve everywhere!
36:48 It doesn’t look too bad
37:27 it needs more cut off, action!
37:59 I hope this was worth the effort, its a pain
38:33 The sleeving is finally on – fast forward please
39:00 AIO fitting finally
45:00 LED strips fitting
48:42 Well that went very smoothly!
49:50 preparation work
52:20 Jungle of Cables – help!
52:33 Corsair Commander Pro – where to fit?
55:04 Ok, fitting it now. Regrets?
56:39 RGB controller with LL120. complicated?
58:14 labelled the fans to make it easier
58:34 sussed it – this is how it works
59:42 Asus PRIME Z270-A Motherboard / i7 7700k
1:01:00 Its not that hard – if I can build it, you can!
1:01.42 Installing the Intel i7 7700k
1:04:18 Corsair White Vengeance 32gb DDR4 3200mhz RGB ram
1:08:02 Installing the MP500 M.2 SSD
1:10:58 Well thats the motherboard ready for install
1:11:30 Corsair RM 750X White PSU & install
1:18:48 Installing the Motherboard I/O Shield
1:20:23 Removed a fan to get the mobo in!
1:21:01 Screwing in the motherboard (fast motion)
1:22:30 Motherboard is ready and in place
1:23:20 Connection time
1:25:23 Installing the AIO onto the CPU
1:28:54 AIO Install, phase 2
1:31:43 Plug in the cables
1:34:50 I forgot the graphics card (RX580 ASUS)
1:37:41 Not as hard as you think? Im messing things up!
1:38:00 ASUS RX580 Install
1:40:19 Pray to the PC gods.
1:40:52 Will it turn on? Fingers Crossed
1:42:05 Dreading the cable management!
1:42:47 Lets torture myself with cable management
1:45:07 Discussing PSU shroud and management
1:46:37 It’s not looking great
1:47:28 Cable combs – which to use?
1:49:09 That was the test run, ive messed up already
1:51:00 Thats pretty good, its taking shape
1:52:35 24 pin time!
1:54:24 That looks pretty good
1:54:40 8 Pin time!
1:55:30 An extra one for the GPU
1:56:04 Finished at the front!
1:56:44 The rear next, OMG!
1:57:06 Close up of the rear – management time
1:57:35 Probably quite a few mistakes but here we go
2:00:32 Overwhelmed with cable management
2:02:24 A lot of figuring out, not much action
2:03:01 This PCIe cable – annoying
2:04:04 Cable Ties galore
2:04:32 Clear cable ties look well with white cables
2:05:30 Im ignoring that side of the case!
2:06:11 Ive lost him!
2:06:42 That went surprisingly well!
2:07:29 More work on the rear cabling
2:10:11 The black cable ties are slowly disappearing
2:11:00 Preparing for metal cover fitting
2:12:06 Fitting the cover!
2:13:29 YAY!
2:14:27 Cable length issues
2:15:17 Its actually looking pretty good
2:16:35 Fixing the bottom bit
2:18:54 What to do with this cable?
2:19:35 Finished? mmm
2:19:58 Horrific nest of cables under control
2:21:02 THE END GAME! (a cable I forgot)
2:22:44 There we go!
2:23:20 Lets get these side panels back on
2:23:45 Cleaning the panels
2:24:15 Fitting the panels
2:25:08 Fitting the top panel and filter
2:26:00 Well done if you made it this far!
2:26:38 last side panel
2:27:18 Views on Cable Management?
2:27:59 Naming the PC! (what?) No, seriously!
2:28:00 Help Briony name this PC!
2:29:26 System showcase – final build with Philips Monitor

Here's a list of all the components used in this build:

  • Corsair 570X White case here
  • ASUS PRIME Z270-A ATX motherboard here
  • Intel i7 7700K Processor here
  • Corsair RGB H150i Pro 360mm here
  • Cablemod AIO cooler sleeving kit in white here
  • 4 x 8GB Corsair white RGB vengeance Ram here 
  • ASUS Radeon RX 580 DUAL 4096MB graphics card here
  • Corsair M.2 SSD
  • 1TB Seagate Barracuda Hard drive here
  • Corsair RM750x White Power supply here
  • 6 x Corsair LL120 fans here
  • Corsair command centre PRO RGB fan controller here
  • Corsair RGB Lighting PRO Expansion Kit here
  • Philips BDM4037UW 40 inch 3840×2160 4k Monitor here

Kitguru says: Special thanks to Corsair, ASUS, Intel and Philips for sponsoring the hardware for this special live video production.

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