Resident Evil 5, known in Japan as Biohazard 5, is a survival horror third-person shooter video game developed and published by Capcom. The game is the seventh installment in the Resident Evil survival horror series, and was released on March 5, 2009 in Japan and on March 13, 2009 in North America and Europe for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. A Windows version of the game was released on September 15, 2009 in North America, September 17 in Japan and September 18 in Europe. Resident Evil 5 revolves around Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar as they investigate a terrorist threat in Kijuju, a fictional town in Africa.
Within its first three weeks of release, the game sold over 2 million units worldwide and became the best-selling game of the franchise in the United Kingdom. As of December, 2009, Resident Evil 5 has sold 5.3 million copies worldwide since launch, becoming the best selling Resident Evil game ever made.
At these settings, the game is perfectly playable, dropping to 27 fps on a few instances when there are a lot of undead onscreen. Pushing the settings any higher can result in stuttering and sub standard frame rates.
Wow thats tiny to keep an i5 cool. very impressed with that. CPU cooler is so small……. might be borderline to keep that clean after a year or two. temps get high as it is, brand new. I remember opening my last PC and the CPu cooler was b asically blocked with dust.
That piano black looks brilliant brand new, see after a month? it is a nightmare. my TV is the same, the outter bevel is piano black and its consantlely being cleaned.
Wish they did a version in aluminum, like Apple products, that would be wicked. Id never buy apple for a media center as their OS doesnt support bluray and you need to mod it to Windows and add a player….. useless.
I had an ATOM powered Sapphire system after reading the review here and it sucked. so frigging slow. never touching atom again.
The back I/O is good, but why no DVI? seems bizarre when they have everything there but the kitchen sink
Nice product but you could have compared the gaming performance to … well anything! Also whats with the deal with the 20+ pages for a review that really need be no more than half a dozen? Other than that nice work.