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Dell XPS 18 Portable All-In-One Review

After a delayed release from late 2012 to March 2013, the game received much anticipation and hype.

Tomb Raider received much acclaim from critics, who praised the graphics, the gameplay and Camilla Luddington’s performance as Lara with many critics agreeing that the game is a solid and much needed reboot of the franchise. Much criticism went to the addition of the multiplayer which many felt was unnecessary. Tomb Raider went on to sell one million copies in forty-eight hours of its release, and has sold 3.4 million copies worldwide so far.


We used the above settings and ran the built-in benchmark.

Tomb Raider 2013

The XPS 18 All-In-One averaged 13.2 FPS. Again, an impressive result considering its limited dimensions.

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One comment

  1. My brother has this for work, he works as a manager of a mobile phone retail store. Its very useful for a lot of tasks. But it is quite a bit of effort to carry around. Good screen size though for presentations etc.