Super Pi is used by a huge audience, particularly to check stability when overclocking processors. If a system is able to calculate PI to the 2 millionth pace after the decimal without mistake, it is considered to be stable in regards to RAM and CPU.
This test can only use a single thread but an impressive score nonetheless.
looks like a good selection of components but im not impressed with the case either. Thermaltake make shoddy cases generally. low cost materials etc.
looks like a nice system, but id rather build my own, as Henry said, dont like this case at all.
Just like me if you are a great fan of gaming computers then you should check out the online shop.
£1399.99 now…
Price increases in this case are reasonable and understandable.
The world’s components are traded in dollars.
At the time it was reviewed, the US dollar was relatively weak – with a value of around $1.65 to £1
The pound now only buys just over $1.50 – which is a drop of almost 10%
That 10% movement will translate into a cost increase of around the same value
If a company submits a machine for review and changes it within 28 days, then we will launch a FULL investigation… But a change after many months where the source of the change is (a) clear and (b) outside the supplier’s control is fine
We hope you agree 🙂