Dirt Showdown is the latest title in the franchise from Codemasters, based around the famous Colin McRae racing game series, although it no longer uses his name, since he passed away in 2007.
We use the ‘High' preset and set the engine to use 4 times Anti Aliasing.
This game is particularly demanding and Anti Aliasing can cripple the frame rate. We managed to get a compromise with 4 x AA, delivering smooth frame rates and only a single drop to 24 frames per second.
thats very nicely put together. good attention to detail.
Cooler Master case choice is good, they cool very very well without much noise., I have one !
Good build, impressed with the spec too, nothing ‘weak’ in it that seems to be them just clearing stock to ill informed customers
Cooler Master cases do use good fans, its a point that I liked to see being made. It sounds like such a minor thing to bring up, but I bought a Xigmatek case last year or 18 months ago and I had to replace all the fans in it. Some companies just buy the cheapest fans possible and try to maximise their profit. Long term it just doesnt work.