While a double first in any set of track-n-field events this summer will mean that the victor is lauded, applauded and smothered in gold and kisses, going early with some of the latest processors might not achieve the same result. Certainly not in the Swindon/Portland areas. Purely by chance, we came across a double first for a GB team and thought we'd share.
Ivy Bridge has been one of the strangest and most protracted launches in living guru memory.
First you can't say the code name, then you can – but don't refer to part numbers.
Then you can admit that the part numbers exist, but even though Intel's own site indicates a Q1 2012 launch, you can't repeat that.
Finally, there are mainboard reviews – but with last generation processors.
Eventually, we are allowed to put all of the pieces together, but under threat of death – whatever you do – please don't let anyone place an order.
While hunting for an old processor image earlier, one of our researchers accidentally came across a pair of Ivy Bridge systems. Now it's entirely possible that this was a result of a ‘server date incorrect' issue or maybe the information flow from Intel to the system builder in question was not smooth/efficient enough.
In either case, the Ivy Bridge kitten seems to have taken its first step out of the bag, down the long winding road toward the consumer and it's return to the dark cloth seems unlikely.

KitGuru says: Without checking, it's possible that the system builder in question was never told the actual date for system launch – and just assumed that it was ‘just after the reviews went live on 23rd'.
Comment below or in the KitGuru forums.
tried to order using gigabyte board
mesh said they don`t use the boards
i thought custom built meant my choice
or has the meaning changed
looking for i7-3770k
gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD5H-WB
1Gb hard drive
g.skill 32Gb x 1600mhz
cooler power supply
case cd ect
any companies interested