AS SSD is a great free tool designed just for benching Solid State Drives. It performs an array of sequential read and write tests, as well as random read and write tests with sequential access times over a portion of the drive. AS SSD includes a sub suite of benchmarks with various file pattern algorithms but this is difficult in trying to judge accurate performance figures.
AS SSD uses incompressible data so the results are lower than some of the other tests today. Regardless, the Revodrive 3 x2 shows huge performance gains when compared with the regular SATA 3 Sandforce powered drives. The results are particularly strong in the 4k and 4k-64Thrd tests, around twice the performance of the 240gb MAX IOPS drive.
Its a lot of money for a drive (or card in this case, whatever its classed as), but for the high end audience this would rock. especially for video editing and streaming of HD content. I would guess that tv studios would use these a lot.
they don’t worth the money yet, way too expensive, not reliable, i better with two Raptors.
I dont think this is meant as a mainstream solution. I cant ever see the need for this myself.
A 120gb SATA 3 drive is more than enough for the mainstream audience, or even the high end audience, but this is a heck of a showcase for OCZ.
Why do you say unreliable 63jax?? have there been reports?
I heard the last ones had a fairly high failure rate. read a thread on it (think it might have been OCZ’s forum).
Hadnt read anything about these. quitre a few reviews up already for the 3 series and everyone seems to say they are ass kicking everything else.
Yeah, very nice. but id expect a new gaming laptop for the same price. PRO market product. scary speeds !
and relating to the numerous and infamous BSOD and freezes found with the new Sandforce controllers?
Are these drives failing too? or was that older ones? I dont think OCZ had a huge issue with 2281 failures. I think this was all sorted out a while ago….
i meant the SSDs in general are not reliable, OCZ has the highest return rate from them all, the safest right now are Intel’s drives, kinda…
i personally will wait a bit longer to refine them.
Just a note to say that running check disk on a revodrive is a bad idea. It is OK to run check disk switch free but I lost 40 GB to bad secotrs when I attempted to run checkdisk with the “b” switch. ie.e “check for recover bad sectors”.