We used CrystalDiskMark 8 to test the random performance of the drive at lower queue depths (QD1 – QD8 where most of the everyday workloads occur) using 1 to 4 threads.
Random Reads
In the QD1-QD8 random read tests, the drive produced smooth increases in performance as the queue depth deepened without any noticeable dramas. At QD1 the drive speed ranges from 22,778 IOPS (93.29MB/s) using a single thread up to 97,154 IOPS (397.94MB/s) using four threads. At a QD of 8, the single-thread performance had increased to 173,508 IOPS (710.68MB/s) while the four-threaded test reached 498,600 IOPS (2,042.27MB/s).
Random Writes
In the 4K write tests, the performance rose quickly from QD1 to QD2 for all four tested threads with the fastest rise seen in the three and four-threaded tests. Using three and four threads, between QDs 2 and 4, the rate of increase slowed and between QD4 and 8 the performance began to plateau out. Using one and two threads, the performance began to level off after QD2.