Crucial rates the X10 Pro at up to 2,100MB/s for Sequential reads and 2,000MB/s for writes. In our throughput tests, the drive didn't quite hit those official maximums with a peak read figure of 1,858MB/s (4MB) with writes peaking at 1,664.47MB/s (16MB). At the 2MB block mark the write performance of the drive drops sharply but it recovers quickly. Although the tested read/write figures are shy of the official ratings, the drive still offers strong performance.
In the read-throughput test, the drive peaked at the 4MB Block at 1,858.33MB/s before dropping back slightly to finish the test run at 1,839.93MB/s.
In the write throughput test, the performance of the Crucial X10 Pro climbed quite steadily up to the 2MB block, where the performance dropped off quite dramatically before recovering quickly, finishing the test run at 1,664MB/s.