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Corsair MP600 GS 2TB SSD Review

We used CrystalDiskMark 8‘s custom settings to test the Sequential read and write performance of the drive through a range of queue depths. The setup for the tests is listed below.

128KB Sequential Read / Write.

Transfer Request Size: 128KB, Thread(s): 1, Outstanding I/O: 1-32.

In this Sequential test, we could confirm the official read rating of up to 4,800MB/s with a test result of 4,878.95MB/s. When it came to Sequential writes we were able to pull a bit more performance out of the drive with a test result of 4,782.92MB/s, some 282MB/s faster than the official rating.

128KB Sequential Read Performance v QD compared.

The MP600 GS performs best (at the tested queue depths) in relation to drives around it, at QD4 (3,327MB/s). At QDs 1, 2 and 32, it languishes near the bottom of our results chart.

128KB Sequential Write Performance v QD compared.

The MP600 GS is more consistent in its Sequential write performance than its read. It's also faster at every tested queue depth than the original Corsair Force MP600 by quite some margin.

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