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Corsair Accelerator 30GB and 60GB SSD Review

Rating: 8.0.

Even though solid state drives have come down significantly in price over the past year, cache drives are still quite popular with those who want to enjoy the performance gains an SSD has to offer, without a large expense.  They can also be added to existing mechanical hard drive systems to boost performance.

Today we are going to take a belated look at the Corsair Accelerator SSD in both 30 GB and 60 GB capacities.  We will be comparing them in our tests to a single mechanical hard drive and a single solid state drive to give you an idea of how their performance compares.

These drives use custom software which has an advantage over Intel's Smart Response Technology as they can be used with pretty much any platform, rather than being restricted to Z68 and Z77.


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  1. Nice idea, but the price drops have killed cache drives IMO.

  2. I still dont have an SSD in my main system, im embarassed to say