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FSP Dagger 600W SFX PSU Review

FSP are using a Power Logic double ball bearing fan model PLA08010B12HH. If it runs at full speed this fan will be loud, but we will check the FSP profile shortly when we get to testing the unit.

FSP Dagger 600W SFX Power Supply Gallery

As this is an SFX supply, the PCB is small. An LLC resonant converter and half bridge topology are adopted on the primary side. The secondary side features a synchronous rectification system for the +12V rail and a couple of DC-DC converters to produce the minor rails.

The PCB is very crammed and due to the small physical dimensions air flow is going to be critical.

The transient filtering starts with a single X capacitor and two Y capacitors. The secondary part of the filtering stage is on the main PCB, on a small vertical board which includes two CM chokes and a single DM along with one X capacitor and two more Y capacitors. There is no MOV present, but they are using a diode for transient protection.

The primary capacitor is a Japanese Chemi Con model, part of their KWM platform. It does seem a little underspecified however considering the 600 watt demand. There are some polymer capacitors on the front of the modular board which filter the rails. FSP are using low grade CapXon polymer caps in this design which gives me some concern.

Soldering quality is far from stellar and falls short of the best we have seen in recent years. Still its not terrible.

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  1. But is it ‘VR’ ready LMAO, I’m not watching the FSP video, I think the cringe would make my teeth grind. The scary thing is the Dollar to Pound conversion doesn’t tend to change much in translation and £110 gets you a lot of power supply, I think I got my 850W Super Flower supply for about that on special.

  2. It’s a “SFX” PSU!

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