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Cooler Master Silent Pro Hybrid 850W Power Supply Review

On this page we present some super high resolution images of the product taken with the 24.5MP Nikon D3X camera and 24-70mm ED lens. These will take much longer to open due to the dimensions, especially on slower connections. If you use these pictures on another site or publication, please credit Kitguru.net as the owner/source.

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  1. Quick question.

    What on earth is up with the pricing on power supplies lately? £200+ for a 850W unit? companies need to realise that most people cant afford this.

  2. I love Cooler Master. This is too rich for my blood. id aim for a bronze unit, those gold and platinum rated models are just way out of my price point.

  3. The fan controller idea is interesting, but many people who want this kind of power supply will either already have one, or wont want it. paying extra for something they dont need IMO isn’t such a good move. it might work well in PR releases f or Coolermaster to say ‘first 7V etc!’ but the audience this is targeting might not appreciate the forced purchase at extra cost.