The Antec power supply is crafted from 0.8mm SECC Steel and has an anti scratch black coating in place. The yellow accenting is quite attractive although it might alienate a user who wants it on show inside a colour coordinated build.
There is a large fan on show at the top of the chassis, behind a metal grill with the Antec logo taking pride of place centerstage.
One side of the power supply is vented to aid air flow, with a power connection and switch offset to the side.
As a semi modular unit there is only a small 2×2 modular connector bay at the side. There is one 4x connector for a PCIe cable, and the other three 3×3 port connectors are for the SATA and Molex cables.
The EA750G Pro can deliver 62A on the +12V rail for a total of 744 watts output. Both +3.3V and +5V rails deliver 20A for a total of 100 watts.
great looking PSU, certainly one to consider for any new build.