Performance Rating
The following graph shows the HPT650M’s total performance rating, comparing it to other units we have tested. To be more specific, the tested unit is shown as 100 percent, and every other unit's performance is shown relative to it.
If the transient response was better and the hold-up time a bit longer, the overall performance would be notably higher.
Performance Per Dollar
The following chart may be the most interesting to many of you because it depicts the product’s performance-per-dollar score. We looked up the current price of each PSU on popular online shops and used those prices and all relative performance numbers to calculate the index. Note that all of the numbers in the following graphs are normalized by the rated power of each unit.
Currently FSP's offering costs about 11 bucks more than the Seasonic Focus Plus Platinum 650W, so inevitably the price per buck score is not so competitive. We believe that with a close to $100 price tag the HPT650M would be a much more appealing option.
Noise Rating
The graph below depicts the cooling fan's average noise over the PSU's operating range, with an ambient temperature between 30°C and 32°C (86°F to 89.6°F).
This is a very quiet PSU, taking the lead here from the SSR-650PX which is its major opponent. The difference is not so large though.
Efficiency Rating
The following graph shows the PSU's average efficiency throughout its operating range, with an ambient temperature close to 30°C.
The platform is efficient, however the SSR-650PX performs better here.