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Corsair SF450 Platinum SFX PSU Review

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The following table includes the ripple levels we measured on the SF450’s rails. The limits, according to the ATX specification, are 120mV (+12V) and 50mV (5V, 3.3V, and 5VSB).

Test 12V 5V 3.3V 5VSB Pass/Fail
10% Load 5.5 mV 6.8 mV 4.5 mV 7.6 mV Pass
20% Load 8.5 mV 7.2 mV 5.3 mV 9.2 mV Pass
30% Load 11.0 mV 7.6 mV 5.6 mV 9.0 mV Pass
40% Load 12.7 mV 7.9 mV 6.2 mV 8.6 mV Pass
50% Load 15.2 mV 8.7 mV 6.8 mV 8.7 mV Pass
60% Load 26.5 mV 9.4 mV 8.7 mV 11.3 mV Pass
70% Load 18.9 mV 10.2 mV 10.2 mV 10.2 mV Pass
80% Load 19.9 mV 11.0 mV 11.7 mV 11.2 mV Pass
90% Load 21.7 mV 11.3 mV 11.1 mV 12.5 mV Pass
100% Load 23.3 mV 12.0 mV 11.1 mV 13.6 mV Pass
110% Load 25.8 mV 12.1 mV 10.9 mV 14.7 mV Pass
Crossload 1 9.9 mV 11.6 mV 11.2 mV 15.6 mV Pass
Crossload 2 23.6 mV 8.1 mV 6.8 mV 15.0 mV Pass

The ripple suppression is very good on all rails. You shouldn't expect to find the below 10mV readings that the high-end ATX units achieve, since the available space in the secondary side is limited in SFX units and Corsair didn't use in-cable caps. In any case though, 23.3mV of ripple at +12V under full load at 47°C is top-notch performance.

Ripple Oscilloscope Screenshots

The following oscilloscope screenshots illustrate the AC ripple and noise registered on the main rails (+12V, 5V, 3.3V and 5VSB). The bigger the fluctuations on the screen, the bigger the ripple/noise. We set 0.01 V/Div (each vertical division/box equals 0.01V) as the standard for all measurements.

Ripple At Full Load

Ripple At 110-Percent Load

Ripple At Cross-Load 1

Ripple At Cross-Load 2

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