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ASUS ROG Strix Z270i Gaming Motherboard Review

AIDA64 Engineer

AIDA64 Engineer is a multi-featured software suite for diagnostics, stress testing, benchmarking, software auditing and various other measurement parameters. We use AIDA64 Engineer to benchmark memory throughput and latency.

Sandra Memory Bandwidth

SiSoft Sandra 2016 is a multi-function utility program that supports remote analysis, benchmarking and diagnostic features for PCs, servers, mobile devices and networks. We use the SiSoft Sandra memory bandwidth test to provide a set of memory bandwidth results.

Memory performance is right where it should be given mini-ITX will only support two DIMMs. Motherboards tested with four DIMMs performed slightly better but the real-world performance impact is negligible.

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  1. This needs to be released as a x370, and I would buy it instantly.

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