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ASUS ROG Strix Z270i Gaming Motherboard Review

The packaging for the ROG Strix Z270i Gaming is conservative, only pointing out four key features alongside a labelled specification diagram. It's simple, to-the-point and minus the marketing overload we've come to expect from most motherboard vendors.

The accessory and documentation bundle is more generous than with many equivalent products. In the documentation bundle, user's manual and driver DVD aside, is a range of stickers, a 20% discount code for CableMod's RGB strips, a registration form for the ASUS Pick Up and Return warranty service and a drink coaster.

In the way of accessories there are four SATA cables, an RGB extension cable, a front panel cable (which expands the front panel header off into discrete male connections), the rear I/O shield, an ASUS CPU installation tool, some M.2 screws and mounting kits and ROG cable labels.

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  1. This needs to be released as a x370, and I would buy it instantly.

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