Super Pi is used by a huge audience, particularly to check stability when overclocking processors. If a system is able to calculate PI to the 2 millionth place after the decimal without mistake, it is considered to be stable in regards to RAM and CPU.
We used Super Pi's '32M' benchmark setting.
Super Pi proves that the Gigabyte board is perfectly capable of competing with higher-priced options, thanks in large to its aggressive turbo frequency that the more expensive motherboards also feature.
Great price. and it seems all the more expensive boards with 12 power phase etc are a bit of a waste of cash as the cpus are very limited in regards to ocing
Seems like a winner, not very sexy looking, but at least the heatsinks arent gold!
It proves that unless you need a lot of the modded stuff these cheap boards are much better than they used to be. I like gigabytes new boards, better than the competition
maybe Gigabyte is OK.
I ordered one, Seems to be coming soon, Looks very nice 🙂 Not sure what’ll be when it turns up, But i’, gonna pimp out the 32gb And Intel 4770k 😀 Not straight away but eventually, will post results 😀