Super Pi is used by a huge audience, particularly to check stability when overclocking processors. If a system is able to calculate PI to the 2 millionth pace after the decimal without mistake, it is considered to be stable in regards to RAM and CPU.
The performance of AMD CPUs is often lacking in this test and the A8-5600K is no different.
Bargain prices, thats a really capable little system , better than I thought it would be.
Certainly can;t knock the value of the system. Would be good attached to a tv with a remote and keyboard.
Thats pretty impressive gaming performance for the price.
Excellent little board, going to pick one up this month,
I would have preferred benching with the internal GPU. Otherwise this is a great bargain.
Looks like a bargain but if you’re looking for high end z77 performance you’ll definitely have to pay a bit more.