Super Pi is used by a huge audience, particularly to check stability when overclocking processors. If a system is able to calculate PI to the 2 millionth place after the decimal without mistake, it is considered to be stable in regards to RAM and CPU.
We used Super Pi’s ’16M’ benchmark setting.
A slim 1.8% performance lead is given to the system with Avexir's 3000MHz memory kit installed. As with the Cinebench test, the improved performance could be related to an increased CPU frequency.
I am genuinely impressed with these, but the price is just a little much right now, even for me. ill wait a while and maybe look at them.
Already got these and they are spectacular. I did run into some issues on my MSI board however, and had to wait on a beta bios for 3,000mhz support.
That orange light is probably the chips burning.
Pretty, but all you are paying for is blinking lights… No game I have seen can possibly utilize this waste of money…