Super Pi is used by a huge audience, particularly to check stability when overclocking processors. If a system is able to calculate PI to the 2 millionth pace after the decimal without mistake, it is considered to be stable in regards to RAM and CPU.
In this test the Intel i5-4430 achieved significantly better performance than the A10-6790K, taking around half the time to complete the test.
Great price for what you get. ideal for a media center, which I have been meaning to build all year, but never got around to it 🙁
Wouldn’t an i3 have been a more appropriate comparison?
Nice Finally somebody tested a richland APU with 2.1 ghz memory! Cudos to the review team. I personally use 2.4 memory and it’s even better like that – you should have used 2.4 memory for the oc… the gpu part in this is really memory starved and I’ve seen huge increases.
@Steve why is not appropriate to compare it to the i5 – it offers similar day2day performance even if it’s lagging in pure cpu the more then capable gpu makes up for it + its way cheaper 120$ for AMD vs 180$ Intel(newegg) and this chip would eat an i3 4340 for instance alive… even if intel is selling the i3 for 160$ – well I guess it’s not illegal to be dumb or a fan now is it…