Straight out of the box, LaCie's 12Big has the drives built into a RAID 5 array. We tested it in this state using Thunderbolt 3 and USB 3.1 connections to show the speed differences between the two interfaces. We also tested all the other RAID types that the 12big supports; 0,1,6,10,50 and 60.
For the Thunderbolt 3 interface we used an Asus Thunderbolt EX3 add-in card. Thanks to Asus for their support with this. You can see more information on this card on the ASUS site, over HERE.
Main system:
Intel Core i7-7700K with 16GB of DDR4-3200 RAM, Sapphire R9 390 Nitro and an Asus Prime Z270-A motherboard.
“the 96Tb version we review today costs close to £8,300”
So is it 96TB or 96Tb?