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XFX R9 280X Black OC Edition Review

Grid 2 is the sequel to the racing video game Race Driver: Grid.  It was developed and published by Codemasters. The game includes numerous real world locations such as Paris, numerous United States locations, and many more, and also includes motor vehicles spanning four decades. In addition, it includes a new handling system that developer Codemasters has dubbed ‘TrueFeel’, which aims to hit a sweet spot between realism and accessibility.
grid2_avx 2013-09-19 15-10-21-65grid2_avx 2013-09-19 15-10-45-80grid2_avx 2013-09-19 15-10-51-28
We test at 2560×1600 with the Ultra image quality preset, as shown above. 8x MSAA was enabled to improve image quality.
GRID 2 2560
Not the most demanding engine – all hardware in the review today can easily power this engine at 2560×1600. The XFX R9 280X Black OC Edition slots in just behind the Sapphire R9 280X Toxic Edition – which is clocked higher out of the box.

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  1. Thats the nicest looking GPU I have ever seen.

  2. Good board, but I think Sapphire nailed it with the Toxic Edition – looks a better built card too.

    Still this is cheaper, so horses for courses.

  3. I’m with Ben on this one, its one of the most understated, but visually stunning cards I’ve seen in a long time!
    Performance is great, but price is even better, I’d love one in my system 😉

  4. Have you checked with xfx about clock times because scan still is listing black edition with this clock speed 1080-6200 MHz, so this is the same card you have reviewed with lower clock speed?