Home / Tech News / Featured Announcement / VisionTek Killer HD 5770 Combo Graphics-Network Card Review

VisionTek Killer HD 5770 Combo Graphics-Network Card Review

Crysis Warhead, like the original, Crysis, is based in a future where an ancient alien spacecraft has been discovered beneath the Earth on an island east of the Philippines. The single-player campaign has the player assume the role of (Former SAS) Delta Force operator Sergeant Michael Sykes, referred to in-game by his call sign, Psycho. Psycho’s arsenal of futuristic weapons builds on those showcased in Crysis, with the introduction of Mini-SMGs which can be dual-wielded, a six-shot grenade launcher equipped with EMP grenades, and the destructive, short ranged Plasma Accumulator Cannon (PAX). The highly versatile Nanosuit returns.

In Crysis Warhead, the player fights North Korean and extraterrestrial enemies, in many different locations, such as a tropical island jungle, inside an “Ice Sphere”, an underground mining complex, which is followed by a convoy train transporting an unknown alien object held by the North Koreans, and finally, to an airfield. Like Crysis, Warhead uses Microsoft’s Direct3D 10 (DirectX 10) for graphics rendering.

We use a particularly intensive area of gameplay which we call the Cargo run, this is strictly a ‘worst case scenario’ and generally you should experience slightly better performance through the majority of the game. We set the predefined settings to ‘mainstream'.

Although the image quality is far from maximum at our mainstream settings, the game is playable and the engine runs smooth throughout. We all know how demanding this game is, so if you want to run at Gamer or Enthusiast settings, then more powerful hardware is going to be needed.

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  1. Thats a pretty good product, especially if you need a new gfx and your onboard lan is crap (like mine). I have a HD5770 already and I like it, I only game at weekends and ive found its fine, even with the newer engines on my tv.

  2. Nice product, I like the cooler design, its rather funky looking. HD5770 is a good card, slightly overshadowed by the 460, although with the recent price drops to under 100 quid, its one of the finest value products on the market.

  3. How would I get this into the UK: wouldnt customs be costly?

  4. Finally a good review of this. no one else reviewed it ! Dont know how you guys do it being a Uk site, but kudos!

    I want a replacement for my 5450 and I need a good lan card, been waiting for this for ages. just ordered it of newegg as it was 15 bucks less than Dells page which I had my eye on for a month.


  5. Yeah I saw Dell are selling this for $205 in the states. 15 bucks less on newegg, which is great.

    Didnt powercolor do something similar? im sure its available in UK ?

  6. HD5770 was a great board, its a bit long in the tooth now, although after seeing this one, I can see visiontek are offering something a little different, which is very cool. Like it.

  7. They need to offer the Killer nic on something like a 6950 or 6870,.

  8. Rapid Clanmeister

    I bought one of these for WOW and its transformed my clan games. love it.

  9. Any ideas if they plan to bring this out in any other of their range? I like the idea, but the 5770 wont do what I need.

  10. Great idea, id love to try the Killer NIC myself, but id be downgrading my card. and I dont fancy another slot gone for the dedicated card.

    6970 and 6950 please chaps 🙂 Wonder why sapphier or XFX dont do it.

  11. hello kitguru,

    question, when if your GTX560 review going to come up? Also could you compare it to the EvGA FTW 460 or OC a GTX460 to those levels.