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Sparkle Calibre X680 Captain Review

Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X. 2 is an arcade-style flight action game developed by Ubisoft Romania and published by Ubisoft. After the events of the first game, the H.A.W.X squadron is sent to Middle East, where a high level of violence is being registered, and the appearance of various insurgents leaders in various hotspots. The team also has to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Russian nuclear weapons. The player will be controlling three groups: one American (Hunter), one British (Munro) and one Russian (Sokov), each with its own pilots and supporting characters. There will also be references to other characters in the Tom Clancy universe.

We are testing in full DX11 mode with all settings to maximum.

An nVidia favourite engine, with all the Nvidia cards taking the top positions. Excellent results however regardless.

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  1. Wasn’t expecting this. I dont see anyone in UK stocking these however?

  2. unusual design for a high end card. never really heard of the company to be honest. far east brand?

  3. I always wondered why this design wasn’t used more often (fans under cooler). it should in theory lower noise as the main fan noise is behind a rack of fins and air will be sucked in. good idea.

  4. Are Sparkle linked to Gainward? the cooler looks very like the phantom cooler they had out a while ago. (was a good cooler, not a bad thing).

  5. very impressive card, would you guys say its better than the KFA2 3 fan cards though?

  6. Thats a good question. If you like the KFA2 white PCB and want the slightly higher clocks then they are good options. They are slightly louder and more expensive however.

  7. One of my good friends once told me that Sparkle and Gainward are a sister company. I believe him now.

  8. Thank you all for reading the review, can I clarify that Sparkle are an independent company and in no way related to Gainward.
    The use of similar coolers in pure coincidence

  9. Sparkle are an independent company and in no way related to Gainward.