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Sapphire R9 290 Tri-X OC Review (1600p, Ultra HD 4K)

Sleeping Dogs started development as an original title, but was announced in 2009 as True Crime: Hong Kong, the third installment and a reboot of the True Crime series.As a result of the game’s high development budget and delays, it was canceled by Activision Blizzard in 2011. Six months later, it was announced that Square Enix had picked up the publishing rights to the game, but the game was renamed Sleeping Dogs in 2012 since Square Enix did not purchase the True Crime name rights.
HKShip 2013-09-19 15-01-15-98
This game is still a system killer at these maximised settings. We test at 2560×1600.
Sleeping Dogs 2560
A demanding engine at these settings, although the Sapphire R9 290 Tri-X can maintain a +25 frame rate at all times.

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  1. Of course the first AIB custom cooler WOULD be on a 290 non-x…my patience runs ever thinner.

  2. Happy about the thermals. Not happy about the OC potential though. I though it could hit 1.2GHz.

  3. No voltage tweaking? Cmon Kitguru, we wanna see more speed!

  4. Did you increase voltage with that overclock?

  5. Once we took the power limit to +40% (as shown in the screenshot) we didn’t find any improvements above this point. Not with this sample anyway. It can vary from card to card.

  6. So the difference between the reference and the 100£ more toxic version is 1fps in games ? legit.

  7. what power suply that graphic card need? (sorry for my bad englando)

  8. The problem with the AMD cards is that they are being used for mining. Which has made the cards hard to find, and any that are for sale are at some insane jackrd up price well over the retail price. This is going to hurt AMD in the long run, as people will justto nvidia for those very reasons. AMD needs to block the mining ability, if they want to survive as a gaming card.

  9. For reviewer:
    Please, can you post a maximum VRM1 and VRM2 temperature in load from GPU-Z?

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-heZ7rzvpE – Sapphire R9 290 Tri-X unboxing and preview