Dirt Showdown is the latest title in the franchise from Codemasters, based around the famous Colin McRae racing game series, although it no longer uses his name, since he passed away in 2007.
We enabled the game across three 24 inch screens at 5760×1080 resolution, with the settings shown above.
The added horsepower of the HD7950 Flex is clear, with a 9 frames per second average advantage. The HD7870 dropped below 30 frames per second a few times, whereas the HD7950 FleX didn't.
wicked card – battlefield 3 in three screens must be incredible.
been waiting on this for a while now. 7950 is just too much for my system. excellent review, thanks.
whats happened to XFX lately? they went so quiet. Sapphire are running amok.
Oh yeah, nice review man, got a lot of info from this. might go for their 7950 it looks sweet.
I might go for this next month as I just bought two extra cheap dell screens on sale.