The tests were performed in a controlled air conditioned room with temperatures maintained at a constant 20c – a comfortable environment for the majority of people reading this.
Idle temperatures were measured after sitting at the desktop for 30 minutes. Load measurements were acquired by playing Crysis Warhead for 30 minutes and measuring the peak temperature. We also have included Furmark results, recording maximum temperatures throughout a 30 minute stress test. All fan settings were left on automatic.
The proprietary single fan cooler delivers good results, although it is outperformed by the dual fan cooler on the Sapphire HD7790 OC 1GB (-8c variable).
Who makes the pricing of these things up? surely thats not going to sell based on 7850 price. still, good card, I hope MORE manufacturers start using backplates to cool memory and protect them. they are also much stiffer in the slot and dont warp.
Great looking board, but HD7790 are too expensive. HD7850 is much better buy now, they dropped from 160 to 140 ish recently, meaning HD7790 is too expensive.