To overclock today we used Rivatuner rather than Catalyst Control Center.
The maximum clock speeds we managed to achieve were 930mhz from the core and 1605mhz from the memory, which translates to around 15% more on the core and 28% more from the memory. The same result was achieved with both of the bios settings. Temperatures rose by 2-3c under load.
really clever idea to have a dual bios preconfigured like this. I know some people dont want to flash their cards due to the risk of killing it and having no comeback.
Its a really nice idea to be seen as being active like this. they do release some particularly impressive cards in the last year.
Their cooler is great, my friend has another card with the same cooler and its very quiet. dual fans always works great.
PCB design is good, and although I know they could maybe have used the better memory it would put the price up a good bit.
Im still not sold on their cards, I hear horror stories of their UK support system. which is basically non existant. that is why I go for sapphire, cause I know ill get a replacement if the hardware fails. same for HIS, crap UK support.
I like their PCS cards, always really well made, but I do echo a feeling of concern in the Uk. I know my wifes brother bought a powercard card years ago and it did fail after 10 months and no one would accept it back. A word of caution for those people buying one in the UK, their local support is not good. (or wasnt ).
Their support in USA is very good.