Metro: Last Light takes place one year after the events of Metro 2033, proceeding from the ending where Artyom chose to call down the missile strike on the Dark Ones. The Rangers have since occupied the D6 military facility, with Artyom having become an official member of the group. Khan, the nomad mystic, arrives at D6 to inform Artyom and the Rangers that a single Dark One survived the missile strike.
4A Games’ proprietary 4A Engine is capable of rendering breathtaking vistas, such as those showing the ruined remnants of Moscow, as well as immersive indoor areas that play with light and shadow, creating hauntingly beautiful scenes akin to those from modern-day photos of Pripyat’s abandoned factories and schools.
This is a beautiful engine and it runs very well on Nvidia hardware. The MSI GTX670 Power Edition takes top spot, followed closely by the GTX760 when overclocked to 1,180mhz. With the core at 980mhz, the GTX760 outperforms the Sapphire HD7950 Vapor X.
Thats an awesome card, and ive seen a few already at £209.99. best card in tne range for me, but I dont chase silly frame rate figures on a £850 card 😉
Good solution from nvidia and excellent price, i agree. nice overclock, bags of OC headroom on that puppy
Just ordered one, awesome thank you guys! GTX660 is on ebay now
Looking forward to seeing some modded cards reviewed. Its a very strong showing at this price, knocks the AMD solutions into the weeds.
I predict some serious price drops.
I cant buy those GPUs im can just dream of it coz im not a rich kid 🙁