The tests were performed in a controlled air conditioned room with temperatures maintained at a constant 21c – a comfortable environment for the majority of people reading this. Idle temperatures were measured after sitting at the desktop for 30 minutes. Load measurements were acquired by playing Rise Of The Tomb Raider for 90 minutes and measuring the peak temperature. We also have included Furmark results, recording maximum temperatures throughout a 10 minute stress test. All fan settings were left on automatic.
The single fan copes well, holding gaming temperatures around 77c under extended load.
We install the graphics card into the system and measure temperatures on the back of the PCB with our Fluke Visual IR Thermometer/Infrared Thermal Camera. This is a real world running environment playing Rise Of The Tomb Raider for extended periods of time.
The image above shows the Nvidia GTX 1080 remains relatively cool, thanks to the backplate. Load temperatures rise to give a reading of 66.7C under extended conditions. The backplate helps stop the build up of hot spots on the PCB which is exactly what we want to see.
Fine work on the review, we are probably looking at £620 in the UK which is pretty steep
Too expensive
Can’t wait for the 1080 Ti to be released so I can upgrade my 980 Ti. Would love to have this 1080, but I think the price will be a bit too steep to validate a purchase at the moment. It does look like it will be a great upgrade for anyone else though, even with the 980 Ti it has quite a few games where it gets more than 10 fps extra on average.
It costs a small fortune, but holy crap that thing performs amazingly well. And with such little power consumption. Now the waiting begins, because it’ll take a few years before this kind of power becomes available to the less affluent consumers like me.
is that £619 for the founders edition? Because like many others I’m just going to go straight out for an aftermarket anyway so that gives a rough estimate on how they are going to be priced too (in the case that aftermarkets are based on the “normal” edition). Though it does offer more temptation to just wait for the Ti but I’ve done enough waiting by now xD
15% better than factory oced 980Ti for 700 euros isn’t a great jump in FPS/$ me thinks. 1080Ti or Vega are the ones for enthusiasts.
With these prices the to is looking £800+ probally more
Isn’t what usually happens is that by the time the Ti is released the 1080 will go down in price then Ti will cost the same amount as 1080’s release price?
What is the 980TI boosting too in this review? The G1 edition?
GTX980 to GTX1080Ti/Vega 11…come on, who will bring this HBM2 so I will play Star Citizen at 4K Ultra 60+ FPS?
Awesome card. Wish I could afford it. =x
Wait for custom cooled factory overclocked partner cards. They will be cheaper, faster and cooler.
Just a little off topic but will Fast sync have to be specifically supported by developer studios or can it just be enabled via the control panel (allowing for all games to make immediate use of it)?
AMD Radeon Pro Duo vs GTX 1080 vs GTX 1070 – Ultra performance test
So in overall, it is just a more efficient Maxwell with better granularity and less IPC per cluster, offset by higher clocks and a better software stack to make it up with the missing hardware scheduler, not impressed.
Does anyone know when EVGA will release their hybrid cooled GTX 1080s?
Think I’m going to wait to see what the Asus Strix 1080 OC (or whatever they’ll call it) can do. Happy with my 980 Strix until then 🙂
“This is the first time that Nvidia have introduced a vapour chamber cooling system on a reference card”
Uhm, the original NVTTM cooler used by the Titan, 780, and 780Ti used a vapor chamber. NVidia switched to the far worse heatpipe cooler for the Maxwell cards, which was the cause of their overheating problems.
I find the 1080 pretty underwhelming. It’s loud, it’s hot, it’s slower than a nearly two generation old 295X2 and barely faster than a 980Ti, it’s overpriced even compared to the faster AIB versions of itself, and since the entire NA market got a total of 36 cards for the launch, you can’t buy one anyways.
I am Brazilian , I need a gtx 970, but do not want to sell my motorcycle to buy , accept donation my email
@4K+ the GTX 1080 is incredibly underwhelming, often only 8-9 FPS faster than a stock 980Ti.