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Nvidia Geforce GTX Titan X 12GB

Thief is set in a dark fantasy world inspired by Victorian, gothic, and steampunk aesthetics. Garrett, a master thief who has been away from his hometown for a long time, returns to it, a place known only as The City, and finds it ruled with an iron grip by a tyrant called The Baron. While The City is ravaged by a plague, the rich continue to live in isolation and good fortune while the poor are forming numerous mobs against the authorities, Garrett intends to use the volatile situation to his favor. (Wikipedia).
thief1080pthief 1600p
We test with the ‘very high' image quality preset at 1080p and 1600p.
thief 1080p
thief 1600p

A demanding engine, even at 1600p, although the Titan X is up to the task.

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  1. To my complete surprise, my 2 year old(now ancient) GTX690 is at 14,793 for 3DMark’s FireStrike graphics score. That puts it just slightly faster than the best GTX980 and below the TitanX.

    It looks like this card still has some life left in it after all. I’m impressed.

  2. GTX 690 is a dual GPU remember.

  3. Time to sell it.

  4. hah, I’m well aware 😉

    Power consumption and efficiency aside, I didn’t think it would hold up so well over time.

  5. valgarlienheart .

    “The price of a second hand car” Made me chuckle!

  6. “Nvidia are actually so far ahead of AMD right now that it seems astonishing – it is similar to the situation AMD face with Intel in the processor segment. We do hope that when AMD launch new products this year that they will compete and reinvigorate a rather stagnant, uncompetitive market.”

    And we were looking at the same review? 1 year and a half later in 4k the Amd is still a better solution for less.. Logically makes sense to go with Amd. Dual GPU crossfire setup rocks and is better than SLI.. I’m not paid to state my opinions. If it was the other way around you would be saying to purchase nvidia even though its 10 20fps slower than amd, you would say to overclock it. Your review clearly shows the better performer for less in 4k. Why would you spend 1k on a video card like that just doesn’t justify with the performance. I have 3 290x in crossfire and microstutter is a thing of the past and if there isn’t a profile force it. Review sites talk up a titan x sli setup but talk down the 295x.. Simple as that. Only an idiot would waste money on this card. Maybe next year I can replace my 780ti sli setup with a better offering from Nvidia. I have not been impressed with Maxwell.

  7. what is this. i’m still on my sli 580 lightning extreme editions. working like a charm i might add

  8. Drew, this is a wide problem across the board that people still don’t understand. There is a reason why the can GTX 690 was the same price as the GTX Titan X now. The god damn card is a beast and these fools spend their whole day looking at benchmarks of of this card what they don’t realize is the overhyped GTX 980 and 970 still doesn’t even come close to what the GTX 690 CAN DO. this is the problem I’m running into right now because I want to sell my GTX 690 and possibly get the GTX Titan X but these idiots want to lowball me because they have no clue what the card can actually do, and for some reason people think I’m going to let this car go for little or no money.

    I repeat folks, the GTX 980, 970, and even the GTX TITAN (which runs 15% slower than the GTX 690) CAN’T and will never out perform this card. The only card that is wORTH upgrading from the GTX 690 is, the new king GTX TITAN X. Therefore it’s really bothers me when people all over forums are ill educated about via cards especially about the GTX 690. BECAUSE for some reason they think because a card is Newer, therefore it’s going to be better. Nvidia isn’t stupid they’re not going to create a card for $500-800 that will out perform a $1k in a 5 year period of its release. It just ain’t gonna happen. But with that said, I want this GTX TITAN X SO BADLY, it’s the only card that’s worth the upgrading.

  9. Gareth James Hillary

    I could upgrade my pc to a 4k gaming rig for less.

  10. ➧➧➧➧68$ AN HOUR@ag12:

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  11. Did you consider the AMD R9 295×2? Its cheaper than the GTX Titan X and outperformed it in most tests according to this review.

  12. Dale Peter Golder

    Power Hungry GPU’s but still a great card

  13. To be fair, when you upgrade your cards there will be people like me saying the same thing about my EVGA HTC 980 Superclocked SLI config. It’s a matter of when you last upgraded and when you plan to upgrade again. My 980s replaced my two EVGA GTX 560Ti 448Core Classified. They’re great cards priced between a 560Ti and 570 but performance on par with the 580.

    They still run most games maxed out at a decent FPS but the 1.2GB RAM and lack of onboard H.264 encoder meant recording footage of more recent games was getting difficult to record at a quality I wanted. Also they were power hungery and noisy as fuck.

  14. What do you expect to get out of the 690? It is 3 years old, doesn’t matter how fast it is if it has seen 3 years of daily use then people aren’t gonna want to invest in something that could fail in a year or so. Also, 2gb of vram is limiting at best, any new games above 1080p will be compromised in some way. I think the 690 is awfully sexy though, definitely a home run when it was launched.

  15. All this power is great, but where are the photo realistic pc only exclusive games these things are capable of doing? All this to play Call of Battlefield in 4k. There has to be something else to it. Is it lazy developers? PC games should look 10 times better than console games now, but they don’t. Barely any difference minus slightly sharper textures and FPS.

  16. another fancy toy from nvidia
    amd dual fiji xt will crush this 1000$+ pony. well i will update my gpu in 2016 after 490x and pascal

  17. and on more thing maxwell is just pathetic in fp64 compute

  18. bro actually thats not possible till 2020 and not bcoz of devs real reason is hardware.
    amd and nvidia both shouting that their gpu can handle 4K gamind……..total lie
    they do not say weather they r talking about upscaled 4K or native thats real secret….if titan x can run crysis at 4k then nvidia will shout ohh we r at 4k 60 fps…….holy shi#
    all games being developed today has native 1080p or in some extreme cases 2K texture packs then gpu run that game at 4K using a trick called upscaling. we dont hv even a single game which hv native 4K texture pack reason is,, that will crush every multigpu setup no matter quad SLI.
    now ur point if u want photorealistic gameplay at 60 fps then we need gpu with more than 1900GB/sec bandwidth 31 teraflops compute and whopping 96 gb VRAM(thats real catch) so in 2020 we will hv that system in shelves. and ofcourse cpu that can handle such gpu

  19. well at least the ports could be much much better. give the pc gamer something 🙂

  20. And yet AMD have the fastest consumer grade card on the planet
    The r9 295×2 and its nearly half the price
    LMFAO. Get your facts right

  21. Faster than Titan X at nearly half the Price!


  22. Faster than Titan X at nearly half the Price!


  23. Animus The Primordial Animal

    There are 4K textures for Skyrim (handmade by modders), and some are even 8K.

  24. Well I replaced my 690 with a 980 and right now my 980 is well outperforming my 690 which struggled due to having only 2gb of GDDR5. No one is going to give you a high price for a second hand dual card with only 2gb of VRAM which is why my 690 sits like an ornament on my desk. You are wrong , Maxwell GM104 gives twice the performance of Kepler GK104. Sure the 690 has more texture mapping units but it only has 2gb GDDR5 compared to 980’s 4gb which limits it. 980 has way, way more pixel fill rate so pulls ahead.

  25. My primary purpose is 3d art for Maya and Mudbox, but I also want
    to have high performance when I game.

    I have 3x Titan Blacks SLI that
    I’m installing. Using triple monitors.

    BUT, now I see the Titan X! I know SLI does not help for
    Maya, but it will give my games a boost.

    Titan X
    has double the memory of the Titan Black, but how does the double-precision
    factor into this at all? Will it make a difference with performance running
    Maya? I see no clear definition of how exactly this affects

    Any info on

  26. 96 GB Vram? if I wasn’t wrong that around 2018, we should be able to achieve that, that is due to the use of High-Bandwidth Memory Second generation (HBM2) that will first being used by nVidia pascal (i remember i saw that in nVidia roadmap or something)

  27. David Davyoneshoe Robertson

    I have two 690 in my system they are fast cards but the 2gb of vram you can only use ruins the cards for me,
    Im hoping that directx 12 lets me use the 8gb of vram but its looking more like ill just buy a titan x sell my cards $100 for each card.