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MSI GTX980 Ti Gaming 6G

The tests were performed in a controlled air conditioned room with temperatures maintained at a constant 23c – a comfortable environment for the majority of people reading this.Idle temperatures were measured after sitting at the desktop for 30 minutes. Load measurements were acquired by playing Crysis Warhead for 30 minutes and measuring the peak temperature. We also have included Furmark results, recording maximum temperatures throughout a 30 minute stress test. All fan settings were left on automatic.
The cooler handles the job well, holding a 66c load when gaming although the Gigabyte GTX 980 G1 Gaming manages 62c in the same circumstances.

We install the graphics card into our system and measure temperatures on the back of the PCB with our Fluke Visual IR Thermometer/Infrared Thermal Camera. This is a real world running environment.

Details shown below.
heatpipe hotspot
The backplate on the MSI GTX980 Ti delivers great results, ensuring there are really no hotspots across the full length of the card. Our thermal imaging camera shows that the hottest part of the card are the thick heatpipes which emerge at the top edge. These are showing temperature spikes around 58c under extended load – which are fantastic results.

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  1. Very nice review, I almost regret not waiting for the Non reference model cards, but my card overclocks better than this sample , Plus that Green Geforce GTX logo pulsing through my corsair graphite 780T window is pretty pleasing to the eye. The Fury X driver optimizations can’t come quick enough, because right now it has well and truly been placed beneath heel of the GTX 980Ti non reference cards

  2. AbeDostoyevski

    This one is very tempting, considering it’s essentially the same as the G1 and Strix, but cheaper than either one. Very nice review, Kitguru, thanks!

  3. I never imagined that the MSI would actually beat the Gigabyte and be cheaper…..very impressed.

  4. Some New Features with kitguru….. Go To Next Page

  5. Just got mine. Absolutely love it – it’s a great looking card. Hey – I just essentially got a Titan X for ~$600.

    I just like the MSI GTX980 Ti Gaming 6G over the Gigabyte. Just MHO. And not a hint of coil whine either.

  6. Great review ! Just got mine 2 days ago. Cannot wait to get all my component to finish my new rig, and see how works this beast 🙂

  7. ………. I like with kitguru….. Going Here

  8. < ??????.+ zeldadungeon+ *********<-Part-time working I Saw at the draft which said $19958@mk11 < Now Go R­e­­a­d M­o­r­e

