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MSI GTX980 Gaming 4G Review

On May 22, 2014, a Redux version of Metro Last Light was announced. It was released on August 26, 2014 in North America and August 29, 2014 in Europe for the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Redux adds all the DLC and graphical improvements. A compilation package, titled Metro Redux, was released at the same time which includes Last Light and 2033. (Wikipedia). We test with following settings: Quality-Very High, SSAA-off, Texture Filtering-16x, Motion Blur-Normal, Tessellation-Normal, Advanced Physx-On.
metro 1080p
metro 1600p
At 1600p this engine demands powerful partnering hardware. The MSI GTX980 Gaming 4G scores well however, holding an average of 75 frames per second. Only a couple of sections of the environment drop the frame rate to just below 40 frames per second.

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  1. no backplate, no sale

  2. Agreed…nearly £500 for a GPU and it doesn’t have a backplate…ridiculous.

    They would lose a sale from me because of it, same for their 970 as well with no backplate.

    Your penny pinching will be costing you sales MSI.