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MSI GTX780 Lightning 3GB Graphics Card Review

Dirt Showdown is the latest title in the franchise from Codemasters, based around the famous Colin McRae racing game series, although it no longer uses his name, since he passed away in 2007.
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showdown_avx 2013-09-18 14-30-25-40
We have aimed in this review to show results with the highest image quality settings possible. Dirt Showdown uses different anti aliasing rendering methods between Nvidia and AMD hardware once the settings go above the standard 8x MSAA option.

We test both GTX Titan and GTX780 Lightning with 16x QCSAA settings. The Sapphire HD7970 6GB Toxic is tested with 8f16x EQAA. This means that the Sapphire HD7970 6GB Toxic Edition results are not directly comparable.
dirt showdown
The GTX 780 Lightning manages to outperform the GTX Titan using the same image quality settings. The Sapphire HD7970 6GB Toxic scores well using AMD's highest 8f16x EQAA setting, maintaining a frame rate well above 30 at all times.

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  1. Wow, thats a hell of a card. I just bought a GTX770, this is slightly outside my budget, but very impressive.

  2. Yeah, id love this myself, but my car insurance needs sorted soon. great review and lovely board.

  3. The performance results are good, its interesting to see how far AMD are behind right now, even with a card that sucks so much juice and creates such noise.

    Hope they can get competitive again with the next generation.

  4. Christopher Hall-Nelson

    Id like MSI GTX760 card, would suit my rig better than the 780.

    I wonder how Nvidia feel about these GTX780s which are faster than the titan, seems a negative selling point if all you want to do is game.