Resident Evil 5, known in Japan as Biohazard 5, is a survival horror third-person shooter video game developed and published by Capcom. The game is the seventh installment in the Resident Evil survival horror series, and was released on March 5, 2009 in Japan and on March 13, 2009 in North America and Europe for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. A Windows version of the game was released on September 15, 2009 in North America, September 17 in Japan and September 18 in Europe. Resident Evil 5 revolves around Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar as they investigate a terrorist threat in Kijuju, a fictional town in Africa.
Within its first three weeks of release, the game sold over 2 million units worldwide and became the best-selling game of the franchise in the United Kingdom. As of December, 2009, Resident Evil 5 has sold 5.3 million copies worldwide since launch, becoming the best selling Resident Evil game ever made.
We tested via DX 10 with 8AA, Motion blur ON, Shadow, Texture on and at the native resolution of our 1920×1200 panel.
We then cranked the Anti Aliasing to C16XQ settings.
Then we upped the resolution to 2560×1600, native resolution on our 30 inch panel.
Even at 2560×1600 with C16xQ AA the cards are able to power through the frames, delivering a very smooth experience.
That is a fantastic board. SLi scaling is impressive, always has been.
Good all round boards, but I keep wondering if it is just too little to late. rumours on the net say ATIs next solutions are out in a months time.
I love the 460, only card from nvidia ive rated in 2 years. 450 not so much.
SLI performance is strong. these cards overclock liike crazy
ermm dont these seem a bit expensive compared to 460s at 145-150 ?
the cheaper models are normally 768mb versions though, not worth picking up
I still think the HD5850 is a better buy. its faster and with AMD you get better drivers and support.
5850 is priced higher + not always faster card, thus not the best buy… yet…
I agree with Jordan – HD5850 is quite a bit more expensive still.
Unless you get a HD5850 on a sale deal, its costing more. and if you manually OC these 460s you get HD5850 performance anyway. thats the whole selling point from nvidia.
Nvidia re panicing tho. they know ATis new cards are coming soon. its a reduced sale to sell as many cards as possible before everyone goes back to ATi.
everyone needs to stop calling them ATI 😉 that name is no more. unfortunately
lol yeah, i dont think anyone cares about the name change
AMD better pull their socks up some and get their new cards to market since the GTX 460’s in SLI are so close to 5870 in Crossfire for half the price