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Asus GTX760 Direct CU Mini and HD7850 Direct CU II V2 Review

On this page we present some super high resolution images of the product taken with the 24.5MP Nikon D3X camera and 24-70mm ED lens. These will take much longer to open due to the dimensions, especially on slower connections. If you use these pictures on another site or publication, please credit Kitguru.net as the owner/source. You can right click and ‘save as’ to your computer to view later.

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  1. The 760 mini is lovely – really nice idea, if a little expensive.

  2. The cards are good, but the cooler on the 760 is too small to really be that good for such a high end board – I would rather get a case that can take a full sized GPU, even if it was small, like a prodigy.

  3. Too bad my three month old Asus 7850 DCUII V2 can’t even reach any core clock over 960mhz without crashing while in a game. Touched nothing but the core clock and 5% power addition.

    1000mhz ran fine on tests. rock solid on 3Dmark11 and MSI kompressor though. Could be a driver issue, could be a bad card. Clean install though.

    Still, goes to show that overclocking is not absolutely dependable.