Batman Arkham Origins moved development away from series creators Rocksteady Studios, and is written by Corey May and Dooma Wendschuh. The game’s main storyline is set five years before that of 2009′s Batman: Arkham Asylum and follows a younger and less refined Batman who has a bounty placed on his head by crime lord Black Mask, drawing eight of the world’s greatest assassins to Gotham City on Christmas Eve. The game is presented from the third-person perspective with a primary focus on Batman’s combat and stealth abilities, detective skills, and gadgets that can be used in both combat and exploration. Arkham Origins is the first game in the series to feature multiplayer gameplay.
We test at Ultra HD 4K with a mixture of high image quality settings and 2 MSAA, shown above.
A close matched battle at Ultra HD 4k, although the MARS manages to hold the lead, by the smallest of margins.
This is very impressive. always liked the GTX760 for the power to performance ratio. nice job.
Very interesting, I always thought MARS cards were priced intentionally well outside the realms of normal solutions, but ASUS are making this one practical as well.
Its a good idea, but it should maybe have a different name, not MARS.
Very nice idea, I see a lot of people complaining that it is no longer a ‘MARS’ card, but they weren’t practical at all for anyone, over the top pricing etc. Maybe asus want this one to sell well, and it should actually as its a decent saving over the 780 TI, and closely matched.
Why there is no comparison of gtx690, amd7990, or some SLI/crossfire?
The Chart is not complete without these comparison….