Home / Component / APU / Asus F2A85-V Pro & AMD A10 5800K Review (w/ HD7660D)

Asus F2A85-V Pro & AMD A10 5800K Review (w/ HD7660D)

Aliens V Predator has proved to be a big seller since the release and Sega have taken the franchise into new territory after taking it from Sierra. AVP is a Direct X 11 supported title and delivers not only advanced shadow rendering but high quality tessellation for the cards on test today.

To test the cards we used a 1080p resolution with DX11, Texture Quality Very High, MSAA Samples 1, 16 af, ambient occulsion on, shadow complexity high, motion blur on. We use this with most of our graphics card testing so cards are comparable throughout reviews.

The AMD A10 5800K walks all over the Intel 3770k with HD4000 graphics. That said, neither are playable at this resolution and image quality settings.

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  1. looks like a great chip from AMD, I havent though that in quite some time either. Intel must be worried !

  2. Asus make great motherboards, but the prices of these A85X motherboards are stupid. I wouldnt pay this for a board for a £95 chip

  3. I wasnt expecting this to be that good, so im shocked. I can see this being really popular for media centers and small chassis builds.

    If they did a deal on motherboard and chip for £130 all in, that would be great. I can hope!

  4. I noticed on the Cinebench test that the A10 smashes the Core i7 2640M at standard clocks. Obviously it wouldn’t get near a desktop Intel i7, but this result must be a strong indication of what A10 can do in Ultrabooks, no? How much will A10 get crippled to fit inside a mobile solution?

  5. Yeah ill be getting one of these chips at some stage, but I might wait until it hits a mobile platform near me