The tests were performed in a controlled air conditioned room with temperatures maintained at a constant 24c – a comfortable environment for the majority of people reading this. Idle temperatures were measured after sitting at the desktop for 30 minutes.Load measurements were acquired by playing Crysis Warhead for 30 minutes and measuring the peak temperature.
We also have included Furmark results, recording maximum temperatures throughout a 30 minute stress test. All fan settings were left on automatic.
The reference cooler on the R7 260X holds a temperature close to 80c when gaming, which is disappointing. The Sparkle GTX650ti by comparison peaks around 55c under load.
We hope to get a look soon at some of the custom cooled R7 260X graphics cards.
Well I think partner cards will be better not difficult looking at this mind you.
is this the only card with programmable audio today? why?
So the only card with the new audio features is a budget model? what? The 270x is basically the same performance as a HD7870 Tahiti LE and 280X is a 7970ghz ed?
Anyone else wondering if AMD have anything new at all to release? 290x? come on. its going to be £600, no one can afford that!
will you also review the r7 250? I’m about to get an HD 7750 then the r7 250 came along. Now I don’t know which one should i get. From the initial opinions i have read, the 7750 should be faster than the r7 250 but the latter is newer.