Home / Component / CPU / AMD FX8350 BE / Gigabyte HD7970 / ASUS Sabertooth 990FX R2 Review

AMD FX8350 BE / Gigabyte HD7970 / ASUS Sabertooth 990FX R2 Review

Handbrake is a fantastic free program which we wanted to include to confirm findings with Media Espresso, earlier in the review. HandBrake is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows.

We used the latest V 0.9.5 for testing today across all platforms. We encoded an DVD.MPG file.

These times are really impressive, especially when all 8 cores are overclocked to 4.6ghz.

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  1. Its a decent system you built, but I agree, the Intel chips are too tempting and faster systems are available for the same price point as this.

  2. Yeah not moving from Intel im afraid either 3570k is only a little more expensive in UK and id rather have it. Power/heat is important to me.

  3. If they sold it for £100 and their 990FX boards were £99 also, it might be more tempting to me. im interested in the 8 core systems, but they aren’t particularly strong cores so it seems pointless.

  4. Disappointing really. another full year and its just a little better than 8150. its clocked higher which helps, but Intel have so many options under £200 from core i3 and even 3570k

  5. How do things look when you graph performance versus cost?

  6. The AMD FX8350 didn’t even get KitGuru’s “Worth Considering” award. That bad?
    And they even compared it to an i5…

  7. can you tell me if this normal 38mm vs 22mm Lithography??

  8. correction 38nm vs 22nm