RTX 5070 Ti reviews are coming up shortly, but one popular reviewer has broken embargo to discuss the situation with pricing. Despite being sent an ‘MSRP' RTX 5070 Ti that is supposed to sell for $750, these graphics cards are already being marked up at retailers, bringing prices up to $1000 for certain versions.
JayzTwoCents, a popular tech reviewer on YouTube, published a video yesterday to discuss RTX 5070 Ti pricing. While he is not supposed to talk about which specific RTX 5070 Ti he is reviewing before the embargo lifts, he ran into issues when looking into retail pricing. While Nvidia had sent Jay an Asus Prime RTX 5070 Ti, which Nvidia had classed as an ‘MSRP' level card that should hit the market for $750, retail listings show this GPU as selling for over $900. Some other custom models already listed on Micro Centre from the likes of Asus, MSI and GIgabyte all feature prices between $900 and $1009.99, well above the $750 MSRP set by Nvidia.
Here in the UK, we have a list of RTX 5070 Ti's that are supposed to sell at MSRP, but currently, no UK retailer has put pricing details on their listings, which is in stark contrast to the situation in the US, where retailers have already revealed prices for pre-orders. Some of the cards we've been told will be ‘MSRP' cards are the same models already being marked up in the US, so we'll have to wait and see how the conversion rates shake out when the retail embargo lifts tomorrow afternoon.
While it is interesting to see this pricing discussion kicked off ahead of embargo, there isn't much ‘new' here. If anything, this is business as usual, as has been the case since RTX 2000 dropped in 2018. We rarely see custom cards from the biggest GPU brands, like Asus, MSI and Gigabyte, selling at MSRP. Here in the UK, we typically see cards from the likes of PNY, Zotac and Inno3D actually hitting MSRP. However, Nvidia has opted to use bigger-brand Asus graphics cards to send to reviewers as an example of MSRP cards, which is where the confusion comes in.
Since the release of Jayz' video, the Micro Centre listing for the Asus RTX 5070 Ti Prime has been knocked back down to $750. However, this is displayed as a discount on the store page, meaning the price may rise by $150 shortly after launch once supply sells out. The other cards from MSI and Gigabyte are still being listed at over $900.
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KitGuru Says: The idea of paying up to $1000 for an x70 class GPU is going to put a lot of people off upgrading this generation. Hopefully over time as supply improves and initial launch demand wanes, we will start to see prices fall back to more ‘acceptable' levels for the PC gamers of the world.