Home / Component / Graphics / AMD’s Vega GPU will feature 8GB of HBM2, DOOM performance leaked

AMD’s Vega GPU will feature 8GB of HBM2, DOOM performance leaked

We aren't expecting to see AMD's first gaming-focused Vega graphics card until January but it looks like someone attending the Radeon Vega Tech Day was willing to break NDA as footage of a consumer Vega GPU with 8GB of HBM running DOOM at 4K has been posted online.

The Vega Tech Day was supposed to be kept secret from the wider public but we initially heard about it happening last week. The actual GPU was kept inside of a closed case and away from view, so AMD is still being quite secretive about its consumer Vega card but nonetheless, benchmark results have got out, showing the Vega card going up against a GTX 1080 in DOOM's Vulkan mode at 4K and Ultra quality settings.


Image Credit: PCgameshardware.de

A video posted by Tekknological on YouTube shows DOOM holding steady well above 60 frames per second during regular gameplay. Meanwhile, pcgameshardware.de have some additional snaps of DOOM running, holding a 66 frames per second reading. This would put Vega's performance in competition with the GTX 1080.

Aside from the early performance numbers and 8GB of HBM2, the final thing confirmed from the leaks today is that Vega is in fact Device ID 687F:C1, which was leaked last week in a Ashes of the Singularity benchmark. At time it was theorised that perhaps this benchmark was the Polaris-based RX 490, but it appears to be Vega instead.

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KitGuru Says: It looks like AMD's first gaming-oriented Vega graphics card is shaping up nicely and from the sounds of it, we should see something more official quite soon given that select members of the media are already being briefed. Are any of you looking forward to Vega? Are you happy with the level of performance demonstrated during the short DOOM demo? 

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  1. Doom Vulkan is already a heavily AMD favored benchmark. It looks like AMD won’t be competing with Titan X and 1080ti for now. The price of the 1080 will definitely drop.

  2. actually they dont have to because of the 295×2 but amd is digging a big hole for nvidia and exactly why intel starts to teaming up with em

  3. And you’re saying this about a demo card with drivers that still need to be tweaked yet? These are preliminary tests that only give an idea. I wouldn’t right off the Vega based so little information. I mean whose tested the card really? No one, so we don’t really know. Let the card come out, let it run real world independent tests with final drivers and third party reviewers. I think people jump the gun on absolutely nothing to go on and either hail new tech no one has had their hands on or they write said tech off.

  4. 1080Ti is a non-existent card. At least for now. So how can they compete with a non-existent product? An unreleased product usually competes with an existing product.

  5. It will be at CES 2017 in 22 days on Jan 3rd. So the card does exist

  6. So 1080 overclocked gets like 63 fps in doom and 490 gets 66 fps non overclocked and has HBM2 and probably only costs $449…. seems like a win is you ask me. Plus the board partner cars will probably preform 5-10% better maybe more with overclocking. Seems you will get most games at 4k 60fps with this card for $450. The titan xp might beat it for $1000+. Seems legit. The 1080ti will be like 800$+ for 10-15% more grunt than the 1080.

  7. all I want is a Vega card that has 8 GIG and has the roughly the same performance of a GTX 1070 so I can pair it with my current 1070 for DX12 multi-GPU-Adaptor…

  8. No it’s not. What are you on about?

  9. I think the only problem so far to see this one game is that it is more AMD orientated. Will just be easier to wait for actual reviews. I also don’t believe it will be costed as competitively as you believe. Closer to the $599 of the 1080 I believe.

  10. Still not supported in games unfortunately. You are a bit too early for that. I would say, just sell your GTX 1070 and get a Vega 10 card with a nice FreeSync monitor, because NVIDIA offers NOTHING in addition that AMD has currently. In fact, AMD are beating nVidia when it comes to features.

  11. ashes can do it soo far. the reason for both beside Multi-gpu-adaptor tech is

    RTG = DX 12 Async, valkan, openGL, Relive
    NV = DX9-11, Physx, Vision 3d, Shadowplay, GameWorks, Arsenal & VR

    and yes we all know DX9-11 + 3d Vision/VR titles play a hell of a lot better on NV then RTG cards so I want the best of both worlds and I want to make sure ever single title I have I can play it on the best hardware it ask for..

  12. The card exists just as much as Vega exists. It just hasn’t gotten released yet, because why would Nvidia want to as long as they can charge over $500 for a 1080.

  13. You got it wrong:

    AMD: DX 12 & Vulkan Async, Relive, LiquidVR, GPUOpen, TressFX 4.0, FreeSync, Radeon Chill

    Nvidia: GameWorks(DEAD) – PhysX is part of GameWorks and not used anymore not to mension none of the gameworks features support DX12, 3D Vision(DEAD), openGL, Arsenal & nVidia’s GameWorksVR (inferior to AMD’s LiquidVR), Shadowplay, GameStream, G-Sync ($200 price premium over your monitor’s price).


    AMD’s got much more to offer you than nVidia currently. Good luck!

  14. Personally I own a 980 and a rog monitor, but so want amd to come out with some real competition. NVDA has had it easy on the high end (shouldn’t say easy as they own the high end and deserve credit) AMD gave us free sync while nvda charges 200 more in their monitors for gsync. We do need to wait to see real numbers on the Vega but to leak a Vulkan Doom run? If Vega can come out around $400 to 450 we will have a winner and a reason for the 1080 to finally drop in price.

  15. Doom is AMD favored in a strange kinda way, from what I was reading it seems like AMD is just behind in every other game with drivers issues but in Vulkan drivers don’t matter as much just hardware. This is why Nvidia sees no changes (there drivers use every last inch of the hardware) . Well it will be interesting to see other big Vulkan titles to compare. Because the jump in dx12 dx11 is not that big compered to openGL to valkan. I still think the price will be under the cost of 2 x rx480 so less than $499. But you are buying a more future proofed card with async and hbm2. Can’t wait til tomorrow 🙂

  16. Unless the price is right most people would have the 1080.
    Don’t forget the 1080 TI is waiting in the wings for when AMD launches.

  17. Agree. Its all about price. They (AMD) will want 1080 money so the TI will launch same time, jump in where the 1080 is now so yes a modest price cut is on the cards. (Pun intended 🙂

  18. 1080 Ti or GP 102 exists

  19. Product announcements and existence are two very different things. Fact is 1080Ti uses GP102, which the Titan XP uses with some cutdown cuda cores

  20. $399 i’ll buy.

  21. Apparently, according to a German website, the driver used for this wasn’t designed for Vega and is, in fact, a Fiji driver. Perhaps once we have Vega optimized drivers, things will look even better. On paper, Vega is more powerful than even the Titan X Pascal, but I agree that I wouldn’t put too much into this one picture, using drivers for an older card.

    I do, for sure, not like that this is just a Doom Vulkan image. It almost makes it seem like AMD is scared to show standard performance numbers rather than those optimized for AMD, however, nothing has been made official, so I can’t really blame AMD for this.

    The price, on the other hand, is really where AMD has a chance to shine. Even if, this Vega card performs say, between the GTX1070 and the GTX1080, but they price it at $399, it will still be an absolute beast and one that’s more attractive than any other card I can think of.

    Not to mention it will most likely come with a closed loop watercooling block, which adds to it’s value. It will be smaller, allowing it to be used in smaller form factor setups, which is another plus. However, if AMD prices it at $499, well, meh, it’ll just be mediocre.

    However, if Vega optimized drivers are released and it performs better than the GTX1080, then $499 will look incredible. =) Time will tell.

  22. Kristof is correct. AMD already has two cards that can compete at the high end, although they are not ideal. For games that support CF, the Pro Duo outperforms even the GTX Tiann X Pascal. The 295×2 also perform, I believe better than the GTX1080, but again, those cards are not ideal. So, although Kristof is right, he’s not all that right. AMD still wants/needs Vega to compete at the high end, regardless of existing cards. AMD also needs to beat nVidia on price, by a decent amount too. Fiji would have sold a lot better if it were $399 rather than $649. Hopefully the cost savings of 14nm can pay dividends.

    Now, in terms of what Kristof mentioned about Intel starting to team up with AMD, that part may very well be true as well. Intel has spent a lot of it’s own money on both paying for nVidia licensing, which they haven’t used, and on trying to develop their own GPU technology, so as not to have to license from AMD or nVidia. Intel hates themselves for dishing out money to nVidia, who has been raping them in terms of HPC market, where GPU’s are more versatile than standard CPU’s, but rather than continue to pay a huge license fee to a company that is already hurting them in a big way, they can take their chances on spending way less money on a much smaller company, who isn’t already hurting them in a big way (although they might just do that very soon with Zen). This will be a win-win for both Intel and AMD. Intel will spend a lot less $ on R&D for it’s own GPU tech to license AMD tech, meanwhile, AMD will end up getting royalties on every Intel CPU sold, which is about 80% of the desktop CPU’s sold…instant cash flow. If this deal goes through, AMD will instantly take the majority of market share of GPU’s in x86 based systems across the globe, which they already actually have, by a slight amount (54% – which includes consoles).

  23. You have a 3D vision setup, otherwise it wouldn’t matter so much. And I know that Radeon cards performed worse than NV cards for 3D titles, but I’m not so sure how that fairs today with actual RTG cards. Also, Vega will be just fine for DX9-11 titles, perhaps just not as efficient as Pascal. However, with most games being developed with DX12 now and into the future, Vega is looking a lot more appealing so long as it’s priced right.

  24. I’m not sure exactly how much of what you said will actually come to fruition, but it is indeed looking like it will. That being said, I always had faith that AMD and their open source attitude would eventually prevail over the greedy bs that has been nVidia’s closed source system. Eff Gameworks.

  25. with over 3000+ Steam games alone Im not about to “drop” any of my older titles.. games like Project cars With or with out VR runs a hell of a lot better on NV then AMD/RTG cards.. so no I total disagree, NV cards are still the go to option right now since they play 99.99% all current and pass pc titles to date… including new releases like Steep ect

  26. Will be interesting to see prices and non-vulkan performance. I don’t see how they could release something ~7 months after and have it priced anywhere close. 1080s can be had under $600 before rebates. If this can compete in ALL games it will still need to be priced no higher than $500 for the reference and no higher than $520 for entry AIB cards. I’m glad I’ve waited this long so far but I’ve been quite impatient. This NEEDS to match 1080 IN ALL GAMES and be priced at ~$500 or be be between 1070 and 1080 priced at~$400.

  27. Yes nvidia still performs better in a HUGE majority of games. We know.

  28. I guess we can say the same for the Way it’s meant to be played games where Nvidia throws hordes of cash at a dev so they stick in all that Game works stuff which makes the games that have this run great on Nvidia but worse on AMD cards because of the game works stuff. Yes after a driver update most of these games end up running good on the AMD cards also but this type of stuff should never happen that is why we have standards provided by Microsoft and others in the game software industry.

    If these standards were followed all software and games would run the same or close to the same on all hardware at each hardware’s spec’s. Now we have Doom it has OpenGL and Vulkan Support which it seems AMD cards have more of the supported features of this API than Nvidia has so of coarse it might run faster on the AMD cards it does not mean the game was optimized for AMD only it means Nvidia does not have some of the supported features so they do not get as much out of it in Doom.

    On my own cards which are 390x cards when I switched from OpenGL to Vulkan my frames shot up greatly and it felt like I had just installed a new card into my system so I am all for the extra free speed for sure. I am thinking AMD Vega 10 or small whatever it is called will do just fine against the 1080 and most likely come close to or match a 1080 Ti. Lets not forget AMD has another Vega chip as well to release at some point not sure when that one is due to be released.

  29. Cards that don’t exist still exist in purchase decisions.

  30. that was kinda of my point.. why would on earth I sell a NV card for RTG when I would be trading up 99% for the %1 that RGT has.. maybe in the next 5 years DX12 will be dominating the market were it make senses to have RTG card

    but hopeful by then NV will have full DX12 Async on there card and not software side
    I really don’t consider Valkan to be a competitor in the API battle yet…

  31. Agreed. Still, even the most current full dx12 async game (gears 4), nvidia is leading without having hardware async.

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  33. Sorry but comparing a card which requires CF support to one that doesn’t is already a stumbling block and thus should never be compared. The performance is higher on some games (Tomb Raider off hand) and lower on others (pretty much the majority) assuming CF works (which is rare (same with sli mind)).

    In regards to the part about AMD & Intel, that is all looking to be integrated GPU’s so still don’t think it’s an issue in terms of what this article is talking about or really in the grander scheme of things at this time.

    Cash flow is all good but they need to use it effectively. They have not so far although the new CPU’s are a step in right direction. However about a year late really.

  34. talking about bullshit. amd favored? so and is guilty that nvidia pushing dx11 cards in 2016 /2017? vulcan is open api… an1 can use it. dont talk shit on stuff u clearly dont know shit about

  35. Nice “PR damage control” with false information. The AMD 490 will directly compete with the standard GTX 1070, not the 1080ti or even the 1080.

    If the AMD 490(no official name) happens to compete with the 1080ti, then that just even better for smart consumers.

    RX 470 ~ GTX 1050ti
    RX 480 ~ GTX 1060
    Vega 490 ~ GTX 1070

  36. lol Steep runs at 1080p/60fps on my 4-year old HD 7950 easy at mixed medium-high quality settings. In addition any new (more powerful) cards makes any unoptimized older games run better, thus not a good reason to argue for old games optimizations.

  37. You need to recheck that, Nvidia loses performance over time. The RX 480 easily competes with the gtx 1060 6GB, easily winning in a large margin over the 1060.

    Compare the RX 480 (4GB) with the 1060 (3GB), and the RX 480 (4GB) easily destroys the 1060 (3GB) for price/performance.

    I hate Youtube videos, but most online people never actually research properly.

  38. That does not show gears 4, the newest all dx12 async game that I mentioned. Glad AMD stepped their drivers up. Shouldn’t take months to get good drivers still. I’d also prefer if they had frame rate graphs. Those tell a much better story.

  39. I dont dislike neither of them, i just like what performs better. So if the 490 happens to be cheaper and better performing than the 1080 ( cause i still think the 1080ti its gonna be better, but AMD will probably release a 16GB video RAM version of his 490 to confront it) i will bought it over the 1080. Gotta save some money.

    So, best thing to do its wait for the card to be released and then compare. Who knows, maybe this could a good year for AMD.

  40. Doom actually seems to be the most fair game available since both Nvidia & AMD have assisted in making Doom run great on Vulkan. Nvidia has been pushing and first to announce Vulkan support, unlike any other DX12/Vulkan game released so far.


  41. that’s an unoptimized gpu, with old drivers and lower clocks. The final card will be much faster.

    Also, this very same card has the same performance than a 1080 in AOTS in which, difference between amd and nvidia isn’t that big.

  42. And no, isn’t “amd favored” in open GL nvidia is faster. in Vulkan AMD is faster. overall, AMD is much faster, because amd put more transistors into the new api optimiztions than nvidia which favors dx 11.

  43. if the difference between 1080 and titan xp is almost none, then 1080ti wont happen at all or it’s a OC’d 1080.

  44. ok , now look for all the benchmarks with the new drivers. Hardwarecanucks already did as other channels and the results are: rx 480 = to gtx 1060 in dx11, faster in dx 12/vulkan by large margin. Polaris chips are even faster than the 1060 in the witcher 3 for example.

  45. AMD being better in the new apis has nothing to do with “being favored”. Favored are all the gameworst crap shit.

  46. http://m.hardocp.com/article/2016/12/19/asus_rog_strix_rx_480_o8g_gaming_video_card_review/10#.WFyLZVnn_JA

  47. The famous Nvidia vs AMD threads. Who would ever thought? And the same arguments for over a decade. AMD is going to go bankrupt. Nvidia has better performance in older games. AMD runs hot. Nvidia has gameworks. AMD runs better in the newer API. Not a thing has changed. lol. AMD is still not bankrupt, they both are releasing really good cards as usual, and Microsoft still has Windows and the primary API is Direct X. As I said not a thing has changed not even the fans. lol

  48. obviously I meant it doesn’t exist in the market. that’s why I put the “for now” in my comment. you guys were too defensive sheesh.