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MSI GTX 1050 Ti 4GB Gaming X Review

Unigine provides an interesting way to test hardware. It can be easily adapted to various projects due to its elaborated software design and flexible toolset. A lot of their customers claim that they have never seen such extremely-effective code, which is so easy to understand.

Heaven Benchmark is a DirectX 11 GPU benchmark based on advanced Unigine engine from Unigine Corp. It reveals the enchanting magic of floating islands with a tiny village hidden in the cloudy skies. Interactive mode provides emerging experience of exploring the intricate world of steampunk. Efficient and well-architected framework makes Unigine highly scalable:

  • Multiple API (DirectX 9 / DirectX 10 / DirectX 11 / OpenGL) render
  • Cross-platform: MS Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7) / Linux
  • Full support of 32bit and 64bit systems
  • Multicore CPU support
  • Little / big endian support (ready for game consoles)
  • Powerful C++ API
  • Comprehensive performance profiling system
  • Flexible XML-based data structures


We set Quality to ‘Ultra’, Tessellation to ‘Normal’, Anti-Aliasing to 2x and the resolution to 1920×1080 (1080p).



Unigine Heaven shows a similar story to 3DMark, although this time the AMD competitors fare a little worse. The MSI GTX 1050 Ti Gaming X manages to overtake an R9 380 from yesteryear, and nips on the heels of a factory-overclocked R9 380X.

Compared to the RX 470 4GB, MSI's card is, yet again, in a completely difference performance tier. But the GTX 1050 Ti offering is also significantly faster than the RX 460 4GB.

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  1. One for the NV Fanboys, Smart buyers will go for RX470

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  3. Not necessarily. It depends on how much you want to spend on a GPU. I just bought one of these today after reading this review, among many others. I picked it up for AU$229 while the cheapest RX470 I can find is AU$279 (HIS brand) or AU$308 for a similar MSI version (MSI Radeon RX470 Gaming X). Yeah “it’s only $50 difference” (or $79 for the MSI) but I didn’t want to spend the extra money on my spare computer (wife will use it mainly). (Side note: My PC has a GTX 1080 Xtreme Gaming Waterforce so I can appreciate more powerful cards, but it’s overkill for my spare).
    For the same price point I’d have to get a Sapphire Radeon RX460 Nitro 4GB, and it simply isn’t as good as the MSI GTX 1050 Ti Gaming X card.

  4. At least Nvidia gpus manage to keep a steady high fps without random fps drops in the finished game, and not just in the alpha version like certain other gpus.

  5. Pierre J Grobbelaar

    I got one of these last saterday as a bday present.I personally have to say price to performance this are most prob the best card here.I opted for the 1060 3gb but then i had to upgrade psu etc.I am not much of a gamer(mostly emulator games as i am old school gamer)I love to push the limit of the card.

    The oc capability are mind boggling.Started today.Got it to 150 mhz on the gpu and 200 mhz on the memory.Stock voltage.Pretty sure will get around 350 on the memory on stock(if i am lucky)After reading some reviews it performs pretty well.Problem for me are i am still running an amd FX 4170 k.Will be getting the nxt gen ryzen cpu as not wasting time again on first gen cpu’s.Just personally i am truly impressed.Not a big msi fan but from back in 2004 or something they had some of the best oc cards out there(my old 9600 pro could do around a 25%+ oc back then :D)