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Sapphire RX 570 Pulse ITX SFF GPU Review

Ashes of the Singularity is a real-time strategy game set in the future where descendants of humans (called Post- Humans) and a powerful artificial intelligence (called the Substrate) fight a war for control of a resource known as Turinium.

Players will engage in massive-scale land/air battles by commanding entire armies of their own design. Each game takes place on one area of a planet, with each player starting with a home base (known as a Nexus) and a single construction unit.

We opt for the Extreme quality profile and run the GPU-Focused test using the DX12 game mode.

While the margins are quite small, the Sapphire RX 570 Pulse ITX does come last in both Ashes tests.

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  3. What kind software that you use for gpu oc stress testing?
    I have the same card and test it through unigine valley, i could pull it to 1400mhz on core and 2000mhz on memory ,
    Im not noticing any artifacts, but not quite sure cause i only use 720p 24inch hdtv

  4. wanna stress the shit out of the card and drive the temps to the max?download primecoin wallet and run claymore primecoin miner.Then u will see the real temps and how good the cooler is.

  5. wanna stress the shit out of the card and drive the temps to the max?download primecoin wallet and run claymore primecoin miner.Then u will see the real temps and how good the cooler is.

  6. Using software?

  7. Give it more juice. Increase the power limit so your card won’t throttle.

  8. Why is the RX 570 pulse mini drawing 10 more watts than a regular Rx 570 in idle? If anything it should be the other way round, with the mini using less power in idle. Is it a typing error here?

  9. Just bought two for mining and gaming, they arrive in a couple of days, looking forward seeing what they can do