Death Stranding is an action game developed by Kojima Productions. It is the first game from director Hideo Kojima and Kojima Productions after their split from Konami in 2015. It was released by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4 in November 2019 and by 505 Games for Windows in July 2020. (Wikipedia).
Engine: Decima. We test using the Very High preset, with TAA, DX12 API.
Next up is Death Stranding. Frame rates are exceedingly high in this game, and the 3080 takes that to the next level. At 1440p, this Ampere GPU is 28% faster than the 2080 Ti, 50% faster than the 2080 Super, and 55% faster than the 2080.
Bumping the resolution to 4K again brings the best out of the 3080 where we see an average frame rate of over 100FPS, or a 35% increase over last generation's GeForce flagship.