Horizon Zero Dawn is an action role-playing game developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The plot follows Aloy, a hunter in a world overrun by machines, who sets out to uncover her past. It was released for the PlayStation 4 in 2017 and Microsoft Windows in 2020. (Wikipedia).
Engine: Decima. We test using the Ultimate Quality preset, DX12 API.
Horizon Zero Dawn is very consistent with its results. We can see 5-6% gains for the RX 6650 XT at every resolution, while the RX 6750 XT is 8-9% faster than the RX 6700 XT. The RX 6950 XT also does well, outperforming the RTX 3090 Ti at 1080p and 1440p, though it falls back at 4K.